In a heartbreaking incident, 26-year-old Anish Banerjee, lost his life in a tragic road accident. He was admitted at JPNATC, AIIMS, New Delhi. Despite the best & extensive care provided, he was declared brain dead on August 29, 2024.
The family was sensitively guided through the concept of brain death and organ donation by the transplant coordinators from Organ Retrieval Banking Organization (ORBO), AIIMS, New Delhi.
Dr. Aarti Vij. Prof. In-charge, ORBO, AIIMS, New Delhi expressed gratitude for the Anish’s family and said, “In a remarkable display of courage and compassion, his family made the selfless decision to donate his organs, ensuring his legacy to continue by giving hope and healing to those in need. Anish’s family’s bravery in the face of unimaginable loss, highlights the noble impact that organ donation can have on countless lives. Anish’s organs will save multiple patients suffering from life-threatening conditions, transforming sorrow into a beacon of hope for others. As we remember Anish and his extraordinary gift, we encourage everyone to learn more about organ donation and consider registering as donors.”
In loving memory of Anish Banerjee (September 25, 1997- August 29, 2024), his family has shared a heartfelt tribute:
“Dear Munu,
You were the most beautiful blessing in our lives. Your untimely departure has left a void that words cannot express. May you rest in eternal peace, knowing that your love, your kindness in helping others, and your radiant smile will forever be cherished in the hearts of those who knew you. We will miss you more than words can say, until our last breath.”
Mr. Avijit Banerjee, father of the deceased, shared that “Anish had a very helpful nature, he had often donated blood. His selfless trait had motivated the family to donate his organs.”
The retrieved organs, including the heart, liver and bilateral kidneys, were allocated to recipients through the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO). The heart was allocated to CTVS, AIIMS, New Delhi. The liver was allocated to Army Hospital Research And Referral(AHRR), New Delhi. One kidney was allocated to AIIMS, New Delhi and one kidney allocated to Safdarjung Hospital.